Space Planning

In a nationwide study of 200 professionals, researchers found that “only one in four workers is in an optimal workplace environment.” The rest are struggling to work effectively, resulting in lost productivity, innovation and worker engagement. According to these surveys, employee disengagement is a serious issue that costs companies countless levels of lost productivity.

Based upon these statistics alone, it’s clear that space planning entails much more than finding a sunny spot for your potted plants. But you don’t have to hire a costly interior design company to handle your office space planning needs. Instead, at Caltron we offer free space planning services as part of our EVERYTHING UNDER ONE ROOF POLICY.


How much space will I need?

Start by asking yourself how many people will be working in your new space – and on what kinds of tasks. Office designers typically plan for anywhere between 150-200 square feet per employee. If you expect to add employees, you’ll want to incorporate some flexibility into your space planning process. To accommodate future growth, it’s smart to add 10% to 20% to the total square footage.

What do I want my office space to communicate about my company?

Your office design and layout says a great deal too internal and external audiences. A functional, efficient and aesthetically pleasing office layout will give your space an identity and help your employees promote and live your brand. Whether you express your brand through use of colors and logos or communicate your brand via furniture, décor and lighting, your office layout and design influence the way the public and your employees view – and experience – your company.

How do I arrange my office for maximum productivity?

THE BASICS: Meeting space, reception lounge space, cafeteria/lunch room, Storage, private offices, collaborative space. Designing and thinking of the inter-dependency of these spaces is a fundamental concern in creating the proper work flow and environment.

How do I want my employees to work and interact?

The most effective office layouts allow for employee focus and collaboration. That means providing spaces that allow employees to concentrate on their individual responsibilities, as well as creating meeting spaces that facilitate employee interaction, collaboration and idea generation.

The bottom line is, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all office space. Before you make your next office move or embark on your next office reconfiguration, invest time in thinking about your business goals, employees, and desired office culture. The time you spend can positively impact both employee satisfaction and productivity.